Minimize the time you spend searching for documents and increase the efficiency of your shelf filing system. Smead's End Tab Pressboard Classification File Folders with Pocket-Style Dividers and SafeSHIELD Fasteners make it easy to organize your critical information by providing six different filing surfaces that can be used to separate your documents in subcategories and keep them in proper sequence. Purposefully designed to provide a solution for the most common fastener issues, our SafeSHIELD Coated Fasteners help you avoid hand injuries, ripped papers and excessive fastener crinkling. Each end tab classification file folder includes two sturdy dividers with a CD/DVD slot and full page built-in pockets for storing small items and documents that cannot be punched. The 2" expanding gusset made of tear-resistant material offers greater storage capacity for bulky projects. These 25 pt. heavy pressboard file folders contain recycled content. Folder Size: Legal; Total Number of Dividers: 2; Total Number of Fasteners: 6; Max Folder Expansion: 2".